The Reviews Are In!

The Reviews Are In!
... at least the Indian Guy likes it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TV Hall of Fame: 24

I had been waiting to open the TV wing of Cullen's Hall of Fame ever since I heard the news that the eighth season of "24" would be its last. I wasn't initially on the bandwagon for this show. In fact, I didn't watch a single episode until about Season 4. I watched the premier episode and I was hooked. I bought all of the first three seasons on DVD and plowed through them like Jamarcus Russell plows thru a box of donuts.

The Jack Bauer character is truly one of the icons in TV and the action genre. Dude doesn't eat, sleep or even take a leak in an entire day. To him, CTU stands for Cease To Urinate. And he has killed in nearly every way imaginable. Sort of like a homicidal MacGyver. Kiefer Sutherland will always be Jack Bauer first and foremost just like Michael Richards will always be remembered as Kramer from Seinfeld.

"24" had one of the greatest television Presidents of all time in David Palmer who was played by current Allstate shill Dennis Haysbert. It may sound ridiculous but he was so awesome that he truly helped many Americans embrace Barack Obama. Remember, nine years ago it seemed like a black president would never get elected in the United States. I'd like to think David Palmer had a small hand in changing that.

Whereas Jack Bauer is probably the best government agent to have ever lived, "24" also had an employee who was historically atrocious. Of course I am referring to the HR Director of CTU. You could count on this idiot to hire at least one mole/double-agent/douchebag every season. Does CTU's HR department do any background checks?

It is with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to "24". It was a fun ride that unfortunately went out with a whimper. But we remember the good times here and that is why we welcome "24" as the initial inductee into my TV Hall of Fame.


  1. Great. Another show I have to watch.

  2. Haha, true Ron. What exactly were you doing in the years 2002-2009? Living in an amish community?

  3. Plus lets not forget about those people criticing 24 for being unrealistic because there was a black president. I guess they knew something we didn't
